24 October 2024
How the Greenhand Programme was Instrumental in Kick-Starting Charles’ Offshore Career and Propelling Him to New Heights
The Greenhand Programme by Atlas Professionals is not just another initiative; it’s a groundbreaking solution to the critical shortage of qualified professionals in offshore markets worldwide. With a remarkable 99% success rate in placing trainees, this program stands as a beacon of excellence, guiding aspiring offshore workers toward successful careers. In this interview, we delve into the journey of Charles Bruce, who leveraged the Greenhand Programme to transition from a Greenhand Trainee to an Assistant Derrickman, showcasing the programme's pivotal role in his career advancement.
Background and Initial Motivation
1. Can you tell us a bit about your background and what motivated you to join the Greenhand Programme?
My name is Charles and I’m currently an Assistant Derrickman at Noble. I’m currently working three weeks on and three weeks off at home, and it works for me. I joined the Greenhand Programme because it offered me exactly what I needed to start my career offshore - I thought it would get me there. And it did.
2. What were your career aspirations before joining the programme?
I always wanted to work offshore. My dad worked offshore for 40 years, and I wanted to follow suit. The rotational work really appealed to me.
I was always very mechanically minded - and I wanted to be an engineer and get into it that way, so I studied Mechanical Engineering at college, but it didn’t really help me. Nothing worked.
I worked a 9-5 at Currys, the electrical shop, for a few years, then at National Tyres, and in the evenings, I went to night classes four times a week to study. It was hard work, and it still didn’t help me get a role offshore.
Then I heard about the Greenhand training at Atlas, and I went for it.
Training Experience
3. Can you describe your experience during the Greenhand Training Programme?
My experience was really positive. In my opinion, the Atlas Greenhand Programme was second to none - there’s nothing else like it, and the statistics for their success rates in placing people offshore are incomparable. It’s definitely by far the best means to get into a niche industry. I had a great time and I’m really grateful for the experience.
4. How did the training prepare you for the realities of working offshore, especially at the start?
In reality, the training served to get me my certifications and my basic understanding of the industry. All absolutely vital - you can’t get away without these things offshore. But the realities of working offshore came with on-the-job experiences as a Roustabout. I wouldn’t have been given the chance without the training.
Life as a Roustabout can be overwhelming at first, but my training meant I was as prepared as I could be. It can be mind-boggling - it felt like Jurassic Park to me at first, everything was so big, all the machinery, etc. But after a while, you get used to it and you settle in.
Transition to Offshore Work
5. What was the process like transitioning from the training programme to your first offshore job?
Again, if I’m honest, it took me a short while to take the leap and accept my first role - because I was reluctant to give up the security of the 9-5 I was in, to change my life completely and enter a new career path. I was offered a role as soon as I completed my training - I couldn’t believe it, but I wasn’t mentally ready. Some of my peers were being offered roles during the training - before they’d even qualified - so they had roles lined up for when the time came. My training ended in early October, and then in early November, I took the plunge and went for it. I was young, free, and had no commitments, so I could work back-to-back on jobs. That was five years ago - but now I really value the time off between trips.
6. Can you share your initial experiences and challenges when you started working offshore? How did the training help you overcome these challenges?
My first job was as a Roustabout on the West Phoenix in Norway. I did a few trips as temporary staff before I was offered a contract, and I really enjoyed it. Then I went to fill in here and there on the Valaris 122, then Valaris 247. Then I got an offer to work on The Highlander with Maersk, and I’ve never looked back.
Some of the early challenges I found were that it takes a while to get into the routine of offshore work because it isn’t like a normal 9-5. In my opinion, it’s better, but it takes some adjustment. For example, the Greenhand Programme spent time teaching us about the industry, with lots of background information and insights into what life offshore is like, because some people without these insights do drop out before they’ve acclimatised, which obviously isn’t good for these companies.
It’s a different world, and you need to give it at least a year to see if it will work for you. When you’re acclimatised, you understand the culture, the way things work, and where you fit, the time passes so fast, and before you know it, you’re done, until the next rotation.

Impact and Benefits
7. How has the Greenhand Programme impacted your career?
I always wanted to work offshore, and now I’m doing it. I’ve worked my way from Roustabout to Roughneck to Assistant Derrickman and with all the changes in the industry that are in the future, I’m sure my work will evolve. But none of it would have been possible without the programme.
Career Growth and Opportunities
8. How has your role evolved since you started working offshore, and what future career opportunities do you see for yourself?
I was offered a role as a Motorman, but I enjoyed being a Derrickman more, so I stepped back to that role. There’s progression wherever you want in this industry - you can determine your own career to a certain degree. There are so many different directions you can go in: Crane Operations, Motorman, Able Seaman, Marine Engineering, Drilling, Stabilisation or Subsea Engineering, to name a few.
Advice for Prospective Trainees
9. What advice would you give to someone considering enrolling in the Greenhand Programme?
I’d say do it - definitely do the training and give life offshore a real go. Atlas’ Greenhand Programme has such a high success rate (99%) of placing trainees within a very short time after completing the training - so if you want to get away offshore, this is the way to do it.
I’d also say stick to it for a year at least before deciding if it works for you or not. Each crew, each rig, well, and ship will work in different ways; you’ll learn a lot about the different jobs, the industry, and about yourself. It can be a really good life at sea, with loads of time off in between and lots of room for moving up. Plus, there’s a lot of work coming in the future in renewable energy, so there’s always going to be opportunities there.
10. How important do you think the Greenhand Programme is for individuals looking to start a career in the offshore industry?
The demand is so high now for Greenhands offshore. I’d say this programme is really important because of the success rate in getting you offshore quickly. It’s also a lot cheaper than it used to be, where you’d do your expensive training with no guarantee of work. Now it’s a surefire way to get cracking and start your career.
Final Thoughts
11. What would you say to the organisers and trainers of the Greenhand Programme?
I’d say thanks for being so patient with us Greenhands! A lot of us were really green, complete newbies to the industry, but we left ready to work.
12. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with the Greenhand Programme and its impact on your career?
It was the foot in the door I needed to get the career I always wanted and follow in my dad’s footsteps, so I’m grateful for the programme - I wouldn’t have got here without it.
Ready to Stand Out in the Offshore Job Market?
The Greenhand Programme by Atlas Professionals isn't just another initiative—it’s the solution to a critical shortage of qualified professionals in the offshore markets worldwide. With comprehensive training, real-world experience, and a 99% success rate in securing offshore roles, it's essential for anyone serious about an offshore career.
Take the Next Step with Atlas Professionals! Ready to launch your offshore career or take it to the next level? Don’t wait—dive into more resources on our website, connect with our thriving community on social media, and apply for the Greenhand Programme today. This is your chance to join the ranks of industry professionals shaping the future. Your journey begins now!