19 December 2019
On 4 and 5 December 2019, Atlas Professionals Ukraine together with Vroon Offshore Services Italy (VOS Italy) arranged one of the Nautical Institute UK (NI) specific courses “Improving Performance Through the Human Element Course” in Odessa, Ukraine. The course was presented by the NI lecturer Eric John Holliday. The information was delivered in a direct, instructor-led workshop with a number of media.
Interactive safety training course
The NI Improving Performance Through the Human Element course is an interactive, two-day course designed to provide mariners with overview of the most important physical and psychological aspects of the human, and the interaction of that human in a very specific environment – a vessel at sea. And further, to provide mariners with a comprehensive introduction into the realities of human limitations and the implication for delivering consistent, safe and efficient overall performance.
The course was arranged for marine officers of different ranks working on vessels of VOS Italy in order to show to the crew that their health, state of mind are prior directions of investment for the company.
Improvement of safety culture
The main aim of the course was improvement of the safety culture onboard - the ultimate aim in any safety program, widening the knowledge of mariners of “Human Element” factor which plays a vital role in the process of navigational safety.
Fatigue, Workload, Stress – all these factors are accompanying every seaman on regular basis while being onboard. Tight schedule of port calls, 24/7 work on fields, night shifts, family problems and the feeling of isolation from your family members influence the state of mind and health and it is very important to hear the first messages on any psychological discomfort or fatigue your body and mind are sending.
All Atlas attendees will join their VOS Italy vessels soon. We hope the new knowledge on the human element and its influence on the performance will enable them to promote improved performance – both in themselves, as well in their colleagues at sea.