18 December 2015
During 2015, Atlas Professionals have undergone an extensive audit program to confirm that the organisation remains in compliance with the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006. The MLC embodies all the current standards of existing international maritime labour conventions and recommendations in order to better protect seafarers and their families.
Offices under the scope
Audits to confirm attestation of compliance to MLC 2006 have taken place for a total of 21 entities across Atlas’ 24 offices, of which 15 offices specialise in the supply professionals falling under the scope of the convention.
Atlas Management System
The audits focused on the Atlas Management System and processes, with particular focus on the living and working conditions of the seafarers that Atlas recruit and supply.
The audits verified that Atlas have fair and complete recruitment processes, while ensuring that Atlas are providing competent professionals, who are able to conduct their duties in a safe and diligent manner.
Updates for Norway, Spain and Cyprus
This year, MLC certification has been obtained for Atlas entities based in Stavanger (Norway), Vic (Spain) and in Limassol (Cyprus) for the first time, adding to Atlas’ portfolio of offices able to show compliance with the convention, meeting the needs of customers, and allowing Atlas’ offices to diversify into new markets.
In 2016, Atlas will continue to maintain MLC compliancy across all offices that come under the maritime scope.