1 October 2018
In November 2015 Atlas Professionals secured a contract with Rijkswaterstaat (part of the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public works and Water Management) for the provision of nautical personnel. Now, three years later, the contract has been extended for another two years.
The contract started on the 1st of December 2015 for a period of three years. Now the three years have passed, Rijkswaterstaat announced this week that the contract will be extended for another two years till 30 November 2020. The contract contains the control area of the Dutch part of the North Sea, and the inland waterways of the Netherlands.
Atlas provides around 40 to 60 maritime professionals (temporary or permanent hiring) a day for all types of vessels from Rijkswaterstaat such as the coast guard, survey vessels and oil recovery vessels. The positions vary mainly from Captain, Chief Engineer, Second Engineer, Able Seaman to Watchman. This operation will be all manned from Atlas’ office based in Urk.
Online portal
We are always looking to develop new ways of helping our clients. With Rijkswaterstaat we started a pilot an online planning tool where the client adds enquiries in the system and then Atlas colleagues in Urk match the right pre-qualified professional to the enquiry. This solution saves money and time and both parties have 24/7 access to all up-to-date data via the portal.
“We are very proud that Rijkswaterstaat is still content and would like to extend the contract with another two years. During the last three years we have always complied with the enquiry, even by the fact that a professional needs to start within 8 hours after receiving the enquiry. During the coming years we will further develop our online portal to even more meet the client’s wishes”, says Evert Jan van Slooten, Business Manager at Atlas Professionals.