Massive 10 Million cbm Dredged from Bronka Port in 2015

1 February 2016

During the 2015 navigation season, one of the contractors on the Bronka Port dredging project, China Communications Construction Company Ltd. (CCCC), removed about 10 million cubic meters of materials to deepen the harbor to 14,4 meters, according to IAA PortNews.

The Chinese contractor performed dredging operations in the access channel and the basin of Marine Multipurpose Transshipment Complex Bronka (MMPK Bronka), located in Big Port St. Petersburg.

For the project, the company deployed eight dredging units. In addition to its own vessels, CCCC also invited dredging contractors from other countries.

The MMPK Bronka is being built on the southern shore of the Gulf of Finland. The Bronka Complex will comprise of three specialized facilities: a container terminal encompassing 107 hectares, the Ro-Ro terminal of 57 ha and a logistics center of 42 ha.

Upon the completion of construction and dredging activities, MMPK Bronka will be able to accommodate post-Panamax containerships and the ferries of Finnstar class.

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